Take a stand for independence while reaching and teaching millions of Americans on behalf of liberty.

The pursuit of truth and the defense of liberty have been the hallmarks of Hillsdale College since its founding in 1844. 

Because Hillsdale accepts no government funding—not even indirectly in the form of federal or state student grants or loans—it is able to remain true to its 177-year-old mission: to provide “sound learning” of the kind needed to preserve “the inestimable blessings of civil and religious liberty.”

Hillsdale’s independence from government funding frees it from many corrupting and unconstitutional federal regulations. But it also means that Hillsdale is entirely dependent on the support of citizens like you, who understand the importance of education to liberty.  

Your support helps provide the very best liberal arts education in the land to nearly 1,600 undergraduate and graduate students who attend Hillsdale College. But it does much more as well.

For almost a half-century, Hillsdale has extended its educational mission nationwide, reaching and teaching additional millions each year. 

Today, Hillsdale is redoubling its efforts to engage the Left on the battleground of education. And the stakes are higher than ever, as the far-Left becomes increasingly and openly aggressive in its efforts to transform our government and our American way of life.

Will you make a special tax-deductible gift to our Annual Fund?

Your generous Annual Fund gift today will help Hillsdale:

  • Increase the number of citizens (especially younger Americans) enrolling in Hillsdale’s free online courses such as “The Meaning and History of the Constitution” and “The Great American Story: A Land of Hope.”  
  • Expand the circulation of Imprimis, Hillsdale’s digest of liberty, to reach millions more Americans.  
  • Promote Hillsdale’s ongoing efforts to found additional classical K-12 charter schools nationwide and to provide, free of charge, Hillsdale’s American classical K-12 curriculum (including American civics) to increasing thousands of American educators and homeschoolers. 

Your generosity alone allows Hillsdale to remain America’s leading educational institution, reaching and teaching additional millions of citizens each year—especially younger Americans—about America’s great heritage of liberty. 

Please uphold Hillsdale’s independence and support the cause of liberty through education by contributing to Hillsdale’s Annual Fund campaign with your best tax-deductible gift. 

Your gift will counter the increasingly aggressive efforts of the far-Left to transform our government and our American way of life. 

YES! I support Hillsdale’s independence from government funding, and I support its efforts to reach and teach additional millions of Americans on behalf of liberty and our nation’s great heritage of liberty. 

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      Hillsdale College
      (517) 607-2727
      33 E. College St.
      Hillsdale, Michigan 49242

      Hillsdale is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are tax-deductible.

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